Silhouette of student on mountain side

School of Arts, Media and Engineering templates and logos

School of Arts, Media and Engineering​​ endorsed logo

Visit the ASU Brand image library to view and download the School of Arts, Media and Engineering logo. If you're asked to login, click the 'Login using SSO' button, and login using your ASURITE. 

Download the School of Arts, Media and Engineering logo


Guidelines for the use of the School of Arts, Media and Engineering logo

  • Use the original, high-quality graphic files downloaded directly from the ASU Brand image library and do not change them.
  • No scanning, alterations or recreation are allowed.
  • Do not use bitmapped images such as Tiff or Pact file formats for offset printed materials because of their poor reproduction quality.
  • The EPS file format is scalable for high quality reproduction.
  • Do not create additional file types, like SVG, for the logos as these are not approved.
  • PNG files are primarily used in digital materials.​

To learn more about size and usage guidelines and who has permission to use logos, consult the ASU Brand Guide.

Area of isolation

The protected area around the logo is called the “area of isolation." No graphic elements, titles, text, background color changes or other design elements may occur in this protected space.

  • Leave the appropriate amount of space (area of isolation) around the School of Arts, Media and Engineering logo.
  • The area of isolation is an area equal to half the height of the ASU sunburst and extends out on all four sides of the logo. In the example below, “x” equals the height of the ASU sunburst, and 1/2x on each side is considered the area of isolation.
  • No artwork or text within this area.
  • Since ASU colors are maroon and gold this version is preferred for marketing materials.

To learn more about the Area of isolation guidelines, visit the ASU Brand guide.

arts, media and engineering area of isolation

Logo file formats for production file type
